CLOVES Syndroms (in french)

CLOVES Syndrome Community

Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome

Paris Descartes University – Institut Necker Enfants malades – Pr Guillaume CANAUD (in french)

CLOVES and other overgrowth syndromes

Support the research on CLOVES syndrome conducted by the teams of Pr Guillaume Canaud (in french)

Visit Project FAVA’s website and sign up to stay on top of the latest news and breakthroughs in FAVA care

The Rare Disease Platform
brings together 6 French and Europeans organizations that are engaged in the fight against rare diseases: AFM Téléthon, Alliance Maladies Rares, Fondation Maladies Rares, Orphanet, Maldies Rares Info Service et Eurordis:

The Rare Disease Platform of Necker hospital